Rainbow Music Score Book 1 & Book 2
Two-Book Package
The Songs inside both books are the same.
🌈 Rainbow Music Score (Book 1) includes 16 children songs, with 14 English songs and 2 original Cantonese songs.
-From easiest to more difficult
-5 of them are attached with a QR code which connects to the YouTube music, children can follow and play with the music.
🌈Rainbow Music Score (Book 2) chord version, includes 16 children songs, is the advanced version of Book 1 which requires to play with both hands. More attention and coordination are needed.
Since the songs inside both books are the same, they can be used at the same time with one player playing Book 1 and another player playing Book 2 with two sets of instruments for music jamming!
Songs inlcuded:
Ba Ba Black Sheep
Mary had a little lamb
Rain Rain Go Away
London Bridge is Falling Down
Ring around the Rosie
Pop Goes the Weasel
Are you sleeping?
Row Row Row you Boat
This Old Man
The Wheels on the bus
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Jingle Bells
Old Mac Donald
I'm a Little Teapot